Cupping Explained

Cupping! Chances are you've heard of it, but do you know what it is and what it does?
The purple circles do look like a bruise they are fundamentally different. The big difference is that a bruise results from an injury to the soft tissue which traumatizes the tissue, essentially blood pooling under the skin. A bruise is painful to the touch and a cupping mark is not at all painful if anything it feels much more comfortable after it has been cupped. Cupping marks fade away in a few days and bruises can last much longer and change colors as they heal.
Cupping works by creating a vacuum which decompresses the tissues. This brings in new blood and fluids as it pulls stagnant blood from the area. Tight and restricted muscles don't allow for good blood flow to and from the area which is needed to nourish the tissues. Stagnant blood gets pulled to the surface of the body where there is more capillary action resulting in more metabolic activity making it easier to metabolize away the waste material. The vacuum allows the tissues to expand and soften, and when you release the vacuum it doesn't go back to its original tightness as there have been more spaces created in the fibers.
Doesn't it Hurt?
No, the vacuum pressure can be adjusted to your preference. It actually tends to feel very good, if you like massage you will probably like cupping.
What about the marks?
They fade fast and often the benefits outweigh having some marks. They can be a good conversation starter :)
ALSO, the marks show up when the muscles are tight and don't have good cellular respiration. You won't get marks if the tissues are healthy are soft. As treatments progress and tension decreases and blood flow increases, the marks become less dark and last a shorter period of time!
Cupping can be added to any acupuncture treatment! A cupping